1. Top definition
        Underhand way of saying she is a hoe that participates in hoe activities that involve hoeing herself around like a hoe.

        Popularised by rapper Future
        Me : Her snapchat score is above 100k?
        by Just_a_simp November 04, 2019
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        Jul 6 Word of the Day
        Phrase meaning that a deceased cannot rest in peace until society changes due to the circumstances of a death.
        People said rest in power for the unarmed man had been shot by the police.
        by FooBarBiz October 12, 2017
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        A way to say a girl is a hoe. If a girl belongs to the streets she isn't just sleeping with one man she is with "the streets."

        Popularized by rapper Future
        by Tippednean January 31, 2020
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        A reference referring to a heartless hoe who doesn’t give a hoot about a brothers feelings
        Oh she a hoe hoe??? She belongs to the streets”
        by AJIZZLE April 16, 2020
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        a hoe, when she hoe around way too much
        Timmy- “See her snapscore? Over 1 million, so she belongs to the streets”
        Bob- “Fr tho!”
        by noname5678 May 26, 2020
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        See it’s this girl I use to date and she turned out to be for the streets, her name Jazamine.. so In the words of future “SHE BELONGS TO THE STREETS!” That is who belongs to streets.
        by Dagger Dick Dan November 04, 2019
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        Used mostly by insecure incel men who can't get the idea of woman being sexually active and living for themselves, not for men, into their little minds
        Person 1: damn she belongs to the streets
        Person 2: what? Did she cheat on him?

        Person 1: No. She just happens to enjoy sex
        Person 2: are an absolute idiot
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